Frequently Asked Questions

  • A union is a group of colleagues who come together to advocate for their rights in the workplace. A strong union works to democratically represent the interests of its members via the power of collective bargaining.

  • GWU2 is the George Washington University Graduate Workers Union. We are graduate student workers from various departments and schools. We aim to support and represent graduate student workers across GWU. We have chosen to affiliate with SEIU Local 500 to build power with other workers on GW’s campus and across the city.

  • We view graduate student workers as any workers whose education at GW is tied to their labor as an employee–our union encompasses Master’s and PhD students serving as graduate teaching assistants, graduate research assistants, graders, and more. Not sure if this is you? Reach out to us–we’d love to talk with you.

  • Joining GWU2 gives you the chance to have your voice heard and to effect changes in your working experience at GW. We are committed to building a democratic organization, which means that our priorities are entirely driven by our members. What are the issues that are impacting your work experience? What would you change about your work at GW if you could? We want to hear from you!

    In addition to the power we gain from coming together, we also gain community. From the beginning of our organizing campaign, we have heard from graduate students who feel isolated and unsupported at GW. We continue to be motivated and energized by the recognition that in building our union, we have already begun to change this by building a stronger sense of community among graduate students.

  • Collective bargaining is a process by which a group of individuals in a shared position come together to negotiate with their employer for the benefit of the collective. We envision working together, listening to each other’s needs, and supporting each other in the fight for equality. As a union, we work hard to communicate with all those we seek to represent so that diverse needs are met.

  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 500 is a labor union GWU2 is affiliated with. SEIU Local 500 provides our union with education and resources to organize effectively. GWU’s adjunct faculty and Textile Museum workers already organize with SEIU Local 500 and there’s strength in being part of one union in GW’s campus.

    SEIU Local 500 is the Local for the parent international union, SEIU, the second largest union in the country, which represents workers across sectors, including over40,000 workers in higher education across the U.S. 

  • Absolutely! US law (the National Labor Relations Act) protects your right to join a union, regardless of your visa status. Thousands of international students across the country are already reaping the benefits of union membership. Check out the international student FAQ if you have more questions!

  • Union dues help us ensure that we—GW Grad students—have a strong union during and long after our original contract. Union dues enable us to maintain a visual presence on campus and during issue and contract campaigns. They enable us and other workers to have experienced staff from SEIU Local 500.  If legal representation is necessary, union dues are used to cover costs. 

    Dues are established by SEIU Local 500 and at the moment are $17.50/pay period (typically every 2 weeks). We would not encourage members to vote for a contract where union dues are less than the negotiated pay increases.

    Union dues may never be used for political purposes. Members may opt to contribute additional funds to the union’s COPE fund to support broader union objectives.